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7 Reasons Why You Should Try Yoga...Today

Christian Yoga Classes in New Jersey

1. It helps with stress relief Yoga reduces perceived stress and anxiety, which in turn reduces the physical effects of stress on the body. By encouraging relaxation, yoga helps to lower the levels of the stress hormones such as cortisol. Related benefits include lowering blood pressure and heart rate, improving digestion and boosting the immune system.

2. You will sleep better When we are less stressed we sleep better, and when we sleep better we are less stressed. Physical activity and mental relaxation fuel this virtuous cycle. A variety of studies have shown that yoga can improve sleep quality and quantity in people struggling with insomnia. Other studies have shown similar results in other groups of people, including cancer survivors and postmenopausal women.

3. It will make you stronger Yoga is a full-body workout, targeting all the muscles of the body with both static holds and dynamic movement. You're supporting your own body weight, building functional strength, flexibility, and mobility in areas where you really need it.

4. It detoxifies the body and aids in organ function Physical activity increases the motility and mobility of the organs and muscles, allowing them to perform their natural detoxification process. Deep yogic breathing enhances the function of the lungs. Sweating ramps up the cleaning mechanism of the body just a little more.

5. You will build self-confidence Yoga asks you to challenge yourself. You will struggle, sweat, probably tip over more than once. And guess what: no matter how you look in your practice or how many poses you fall out of, no one is going to judge you and you’ll feel great in savasana! Most importantly, if you dedicate yourself to practicing, you will see improvement. Together, these experiences build confidence to take on challenges beyond the mat.

6. It will improve your posture By combining core strengthening with core mobility and proprioception, yoga can help improve posture. Better posture reduces anxiety, improves productivity, reduces back pain, and helps you breath better

7. It helps with concentration Distraction and obsessive ‘multi-tasking’ is one of the neurosis of our time. Concentration is shifting your focus from many things at once to one thing at a time. Observing your body, breath and emotions through the yoga practice teaches you to focus your mind on one thing at a time. It is proven that as you observe your breath, it will slow down, and that as the breath slows down, the mind will follow suit. Over time practicing focus will shift you into a restful but aware state, which will recharge the mind and can help with enhanced mental facility and creativity.

Yoga Benefits at Twisted Sister Yoga ~ yoga with a Christian twist

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